Mindful Moving Focused on Wellness
Complementary Therapies offer a Holistic approach to managing Mental & Emotional health
A Wellbeing Consultant, born and raised in Scotland, Fiona Greenlaw operated her own successful hairdressing business until she travelled to Australia in 1990 following 'spiritual whispers'. Unbeknown to her at that time, she had taken a massive leap of faith and became immersed in a new culture and self healing journey.
The awareness of living with mental health imbalances, anxiety and depression was debilitating, then she was introduced to
a new concept and practice of self healing. Being grateful for the love and support received from my family, friends and random angels along the way, Fiona soon learnt she had to 'do the work', hence with a focus on self-care of mind, body and spirit she learnt to live life free of fear, feel safe and happy.
The benefits from the practice of Tai Chi & Qigong led Fiona from living with scars from traumatic personal experiences
to studying these arts and embarking on a 6 year Degree with Erle Montaigue (Master Degree China 1975). By 1995, Fiona achieved a qualification to begin teaching, which she did privately, community classes and workplace wellbeing workshops.
Her passion for energy medicine continued to develop when a book called 'You Can Heal Your Life' by Louise Hay became
her next self healing awakening. A love of metaphysics was born and Mindful Moving was created.
Fiona expanded her knowledge through university study where she gained a Degree in Human Movement Science with this she worked at NSW Health and coordinated the roll out of a falls prevention program. Her interest in the positive mindfulness work of Lousie Hay led to continued education where she gained a Diploma in Complementary Therapies giving her the capacity to work professionally under the International Institute of Complementary Therapies (IICT).
Fiona clearly understands life's challenges, having navigated herself successfully as a soul parent, raising 2 beautiful humans while paying the bills, travelling to sporting events and finding a work life balance. As many experienced, careers took a sharp stop, with the arrival of covid and what a blessing that turned out to be. Fiona adapted and moved with her life partner to work in the Film and TV industry. Her diverse transferrable skills transitioned beautifully into the industry and her innate ability to work with people positively, found her passion and creative niche as a fluid Assistant Director. Her communication skills and healing knowledge were positively embraced by production management, cast and crew.
The Film and TV industry ticks all the boxes, it's creative, fun, fast paced and exciting, however it is also a roller coaster of challenges which can make it a bit tricky to maintain mental and emotional balance some days. Fiona found a need so re-designed Mindful Moving Wellbeing program to support management to prevent and/or manage stress associated with mental and emotional health issues found within the TV and Film industry and in turn, build resilience and a positive wellbeing culture with each individual production, holistically.
Daily self care is a priority to feel well, work well and maintain a mentally healthy work life/balance. 'Complementary Therapies are my go too, to balance stressors and in mental health emergency, why? Because I know they work, everytime.'
*Bachelor Degree in Human Movement & Exercise Management
*Diploma of Complementary Therapies
*Tai Chi & Qigong Instructor Degree
*Diploma in Mindfulness
*Reiki Practitioner
*Professional Insurance and Full Member of the International Institute of Complementary Therapies
Why, How & What
Mindful Moving Wellbeing program (MMWB) is a combination of Complementary Therapies designed to maintain equilibrium.
Be guided through the balancing systems of qigong, tai chi, reiki, chakra balance and yoga nidra..
A positive work-life balance through holistic healing support and guidance, learn how to manage
and find solutions to mental and emotional health.
Reach and maintain an overall state of wellbeing with a balanced in mind, body, heart, spirit and soul.
Feel well, happy and Love being You!

Qigong and Tai Chi
A moving meditation which coordinates gentle flowing movement with balanced diaphragmatic breathing and a calm mental focus.
Qi (chee) or (ki) is translated as life force referring to the energy circulating throughout the body. Gong is translated as cultivation or work, therefore Qigong, describes a system to cultivate and balance life energy, to maximise health and wellbeing.
Learn how to shift, release and let go of unwanted thoughts & feelings and clear your energy channels (meridians). Energetic blockages can disrupt the quality and flow of Qi in your body and in time, can cause dis-comfort and/or dis-ease mentally, emotionally or physically.
The practice of Qigong cultivates and stimulates the internal energy system, improves circulation within the body, allowing you to feel rejuvenated, refreshed, fit, healthy and balanced. Regardless of age or level of fitness, anyone can do it.
Tai Chi
It is a tranquil, gentle and pleasurable way of attaining and maintaining health and harmony in the mind, body and soul.
There is scientific evidence that this mind and body practice, which originated in China as a martial art, is valuable in treating or preventing many health problems, improving muscular strength, flexibility and fitness.
Tai Chi is a great way to relax and learn how to deal with stress. It helps release emotional tensions, increases concentration, spatial awareness and decreases stressful reactions, which leads you to become more grounded, balanced and live a peaceful life.
As you move, you breathe deeply and naturally, with a clear mind. The movements are gentle and flowing with the muscles relaxed and the joints held loosely. Tai Chi is a weight bearing exercise which helps maintain bone density and improve balance.
The meridian system is the energy network of the body. In a steady 24 hour cycle, pervading every part of the body, our energy circulates to ensure the proper function of the organs. When the body's energy network becomes blocked, the overall health of the body becomes imbalanced. Qi must be plentiful and circulate smoothly along the meridians for optimum wellness.