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Mindful Moving is a NDIS sole trader, owned & operated by Fiona Greenlaw who is NDIS worker screened, professionally qualified and insured, delivering Complementary Therapies to support your health & wellbeing.


Holistic benefits include improved coordination, strength & balance, physically, mentally & spiritually.


Gain knowledge & skills to actively support your well-being and connect positively within family, friends and community​.

Regular practice will support you to build resilience and confidence in your decision-making and being more independent with

day-to-day activities.


Inspired and motivated to achieve your goals.

Qigong Tai Chi

Shibashi Tai Chi Qigong 

coordinates gentle flowing movement with balanced breathing and a calm mental focus.

A mind and body practice improving muscular strength, confidence and increased motivation to achieve your daily activities & goals


Reiki is a technique that uses a gentle or no-touch placement of thehands at specific positions over the body. Universal life-force is directed to where it is needed in the body with the intention to reduce stress, anxiety and induce the relax response. 

Chakra Balance

Balancing the 7 chakra's to nurture physical and emotional well-being. Blocked energies will be cleared and when they are completely clear and balanced, you will feel a harmonious union of mind, body and spirit. 

Yoga Nidra

This somatic practice promotes deep rest and relaxation, reducing stress and anxiety, improving sleep quality, and releasing long-held emotions.

A truly rejuvenating experience for your mind, body, and soul.


Therapeutic Support with Mindful Moving Complementary Therapies 

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